Gray Mackenzie Engineering Services is committed to the highest possible standards of ethical, moral, and legal business conduct. In keeping with this commitment and the company’s interest in promoting open communication, we aim to provide a means through which the vendors and associated persons could raise concerns with the reassurance that their identity will be kept confidential and they will be protected from reprisals or victimization for whistle blowing in good faith.
GMES is a responsible Company and is fully committed to comply with all domestic and international anti-bribery, anti-corruption laws, regulations and conventions that prohibit corrupt actions including bribery in obtaining or retaining business or obtaining any other improper advantage. Corruption is against the law and contrary to everything that GMES stands for. GMES condemns the making of prohibited payments, i.e., payments to secure the performance of routine government actions by the government functionaries. At GMES we exercise zero tolerance against bribery and corruption. No bribes whether initiated by a third party, public or private will be accepted. Employees and vendors/contractors should be aware that the offering or giving of improper benefits to influence the decision of the recipient, even if he or she is not a government official, may not only entail disciplinary sanctions but also result in criminal charges.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about company or service
GMES Inspection, Testing and Calibration Services are extending value-added services to the Engineering, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Process Industries, Construction, Power and Utilities and commercial sectors throughout the Middle East and Gulf Region.